Jim Massey has been a part of our church for about 19 years, and during most of that he has been serving as an assistant pastor. A little over a year ago the church called him to be the pastor.
Having been in pastoral roles since 1981, Jim has a lot of experience. About half of that time he has been involved in part time Christian ministry, while also having full time secular employment.
A year ago, Jim retired from his secular employment to focus on his pastoral ministry. Since then, that has been a part time role, with other men in the church assisting him with some of the preaching and other duties. It was always intended to be short term, as we were looking for the man who would be pastor for the long term.
We have now discovered God’s choice for that man in Eshwan Reddy. Eshwan has been an International Relationship Manager for Voice of the Martyrs, with a focus on Oceana and India, and based in the Blue Mountains of NSW. Prior to that he was a lecturer in Fiji at the College of Theology and Evangelism operated by Ambassadors for Christ South Pacific. He was also the Registrar and Acting Academic Dean there previously.
During those years and before, Eshwan has also served as an Associate Pastor. First at Lovu Bible Church, then at Suva Bible Church. Overlapping with that, and for a number of years before, he was a Youth Pastor for the Fellowship of Bible Churches Fiji.
Eshwan’s education and training includes a Bachelor of Divinity from the College of Theology and Evangelism Fiji, and a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Evangel Christian University of America. Related to his studies at the College of Theology and Evangelism Fiji, Evangel also award him with a Bachelor of Divinity and an Associate of Arts in Biblical Teaching.
Family values are very important to Eshwan. He is married to Anjeeta, and they have two precious children.
Love for God and others are seen by both Eshwan and Jim as vital, along with a solid foundation built on the Word of God. Reaching out to the lost while training and equipping believers is seen by them as important roles of the church as we seek to glorify God.
Next: Our History