
What is our mission, and how can we express it?

Consider Matt. 28:18-20. We are to make disciples of all nations by going, baptising and teaching – empowered by Christ. This involves reaching out, winning others to Christ, training them in Christian living.

What is the motivating factor? Christ’s command.

Why is that motivating? He loved us so much that He gave His life for us.

That has made all the difference in our lives for all eternity. We in turn love Him, and the Heavenly Father who sent Him.

When we understand His love for us, it makes us realise that He loves everyone. As He loves them, and gave His life for them, we realise that He wants us to love them as well.

It all revolves around love.

               God’s love for us.

               Christ’s love of the Father and of us.

               Our response in loving the Father and Son.

               Our further response in learning how to love the unlovely.

An aspect of this is automatic, but much of it is something that we need to grow in and develop.  That’s the role of our church, our mission.